Obtaining Divine Healing by Paramhansa Yogananda
Questions & Answers topic 2 Inner Culture, October 1940
Question: How can I obtain permanent divine healing?–M.I.
Answer: Perfect health is given by God. Disease is man-made. God wants His children to enjoy health and happiness, but they create disease and sorrow by breaking His laws. God is harmony, and when man, made in God’s image, leads a life of inharmony, he hurts himself. Man punishes himself by reaping the results of his wrong actions; God does not punish man.
The demand to be one with God must precede all other desires. God-contact will be accomplished through regular, intense, long-continued meditations. Pray until an answer is received. Just an imaginary contact of God through blind prayers will not produce the desired healing. But, as darkness cannot remain where light is, so the light of God’s perfect presence felt in the body must drive away the darkness of disease.
All diseases are the result of collisions of the brittle inharmonious life with the stone wall of God’s harmony within. Peaceful actions tune in with God’s peace as felt in silence within, and the result is happiness. Wrong actions collide with God’s peace of silence and produce unhappiness and ill-health.
There are diseases which result from breaking hygienic laws and consequent bacterial invasion. There are maladies which come from disobeying the mental laws of being, and the consequent attack of mental bacteria of fear, anger, worry, greed, temptation, and lack of self-control. There are diseases which arise from the soul’s ignorance. Remember, ignorance is the mother of all physical, mental, and spiritual diseases. Abolish ignorance by contacting God and forthwith body, mind, and soul will be healed of all maladies.
No doubt some medicines have healing power, since God gave herbs and minerals the power to affect the body of man, but medicines and doctors have only limited power and often reveal their helplessness in cases of chronic disease.
What is it that will destroy pain and ignorance and prevent accidents forever, so that your body, mind, and soul will be the perfect image of Spirit? It is this: Convince your mind first that all human methods of cure are limited in their healing power, and that only God’s all-permeating, all-healing power is unlimited.
Remember, a beggar gets only a beggar’s share, but a son receives a son’s share; so do not beg for money or health. Rather, demand your lost divine birthright of oneness with the Father. When that is actually accomplished by the ever-increasing, ever-new joy contact of God in silence, then all things, including health, abundance, and wisdom will be added unto you. The soul, mind, and body will be perceived as the perfect manifestation of God Himself. It is after such realization that the body can remain permanently healed.