Fruits and Vegetables Part 1 by Paramhansa Yogananda
Fruits and vegetables differ widely in the amount of energy and protein which they supply. They also vary greatly in their vitamin and mineral values.
In general, vegetables are richer in minerals than fruits. Vegetables and fruits (with a few exceptions) are useful in maintaining the alkaline reserve of the body and most fruits and vegetables are valuable for their slightly laxative effect.
Generally speaking, green and yellow vegetables are rich sources of vitamin A; vegetables and fruits as a group are important sources of vitamins B and G; and the citrus fruits, tomatoes, raw cabbage and raw onions are among the richest sources of vitamin c.
Fruits and vegetables should, therefore, be more generally and more liberally used for many good reasons. The cost of food may often be lowered, as well as the diet improved, by cutting down on animal proteins and sweets and using fruits and vegetables more freely.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938): Praeceptum #76
Fruits and Vegetables Part 2
(Part II)
When fruits and vegetables are cooked in water their nutritive value is lessened unless the cooking water is used because some of the vitamins and minerals dissolve in water. With most fruits it is used in the sauce and, with vegetables, it should be saved for soup stock. Vitamin C especially is effected by high temperatures and oxidation. Therefore, it is desirable that at least a part of the fruit and vegetables should be eaten raw.
In canned grapefruit and canned tomatoes, the high vitamin C value is excellently conserved. These rank along with raw citrus fruits and their juices among the richest sources of vitamin C. Ripe bananas and some varieties of apples are good sources of this vitamin, besides cooked potatoes and pasteurized milk, which contain a small amount of it. With all of these common sources, it will be seen that it is not necessary to go on a raw diet entirely in order to get enough of this vitamin.
It is not necessary to become a faddist and antagonize your family and friends in order to apply and benefit by the newer knowledge of nutrition. The planning of meals may be an interesting and pleasant task.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938): Praeceptum #77