Quotes by Paramhansa Yogananda on Health & Healing
General Health
Everything we eat, think, do, and contact, reacts upon bodily Health.
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3 (1938)-Praeceptum #56
The origin of almost all of the diseases which I have mentally healed through the power of God, I find in over-eating, improper eating, misuse of sex life, lack of exercise, and, above all, in bad environment.
East-West, November-December, 1926
God wants His children to enjoy health and happiness, but they create disease and sorrow by breaking His laws. God is harmony, and when man, made in His image, leads an inharmonious life, he fails in everything.
Inner Culture, Oct-Dec1942
It is not necessary to become a faddist and antagonize your family and friends in order to apply and benefit by the newer knowledge of nutrition.
Praecepta Lessons Volume 3-Health Culture-Fruits and Vegetables
Disease warns one that nature’s physical laws are being broken. Nature speaks to man through her laws.
East-West, November-December 1926
Food values are not a delusion, but follow natural law. Diseases are not due to “fate” but to wrong eating and over-eating and transgression of God’s laws. Over-eating, lack of exercise, immoderation in sex life, and eating wrong things–these are the physical causes of disease. Diseases are nothing but poisons trying to get out of the system.
Inner Culture, February 1940
Preserve the body temple for the Spirit to dwell in and deliver sermons of Truth and perfect health to all. Man must understand how his intelligence controls the atoms of his body. When he learns that, he will find that his intelligence is a reflection of Divine Intelligence, which supports the life of his body. When he understands that, he knows that his body is not maintained by the physical law of bread only, but that it is sustained principally by God’s Cosmic Energy.
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step Health Culture-Table of Vitamins-2
You must know how to rejuvenate the body not only through proper diet, but through electric energy, by developing will power. You can bring energy into the body by will power. Each one of you can rejuvenate yourself. When your body becomes recharged from the Infinite Source, then you will learn to smile from your soul.
Inner Culture, March 1939
All strong stimulants intoxicate, drug, and deteriorate the intelligence of the brain and memory cells in recording noble ideas and sense-impressions in general. Constantly anesthetized memory cells lose their retentive power and become inert and lazy.
Developing Memory-Inner Culture, April 1939
Above all, never allow your soul’s reason to be overruled by your creative animal impulse. Remember that the greater the preservation of vital essence in the body, by sex discipline, and by normal use in married life, the greater will be the power of your memory, intelligence and spiritual perception.
Developing Memory-Inner Culture, April 1939
Just before going to sleep and upon awakening, command your subconscious mind to be attentive to all life’s activities and to retain all valuable experiences. These two important periods are the best for impressing affirmations on the mind. With eyes closed, concentrate your vision and will power in between the eyebrows and feel the divine memory of all the past flowing into you.
Developing Memory-Inner Culture, April 1939
Above all, eat rightly, think rightly, and meditate and live in Divine Joy, night and day.
The future food of the world will all come by receiving different rays from Cosmic Energy, Cosmic Rays, electrons, atoms, and air, drawn through different openings of the body.
We must develop two kinds of magnetism–one to attract God and another to attract our material necessities.
Inner Culture, July 1941
The mind must never have suggested to it the human limitations of sickness, old age, and death, but it should constantly be inwardly told: “I am the Infinite, which has become the body. The body as a manifestation of Spirit is the ever-youthful Spirit.”
Praecepta Lessons Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture-Table of Vitamins-2
I will always behold the perfect, healthy, all-wise, all-blissful image of God in my life. Take away the weight of indifference and forgetfulness from my mind and make me drink the nectar of Thy ever-blessed Presence.
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture-Whole Wheat
If one is a slave to any of the senses, he is losing magnetism. If he has control over them, he is developing magnetism.
Inner Culture, July 1941
We become like the people we mingle with, not through their conversation, but through the silent magnetic vibration which goes out of their bodies. If a man wants to become an artist, he must associate with artists. If he wants to be a good business man, he must associate with successful leaders. If he wants to become a spiritual giant, he must associate with devotees of God.
Inner Culture, July 1941
In meditation, the energy and mind should be relaxed and sent toward God, and this becomes difficult when part of the energy begins to flow toward the stomach to perform digestion.
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture-Vitamin D-2
Remember that the surest way to all-round prosperity, or to the attainment of health, wealth, peace, and wisdom, lies in first reclaiming your lost Divine Sonhood by continuously broadcasting your message to God though your calm mental microphone until you receive His answer through the increased Bliss of meditation.
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture-Vitamin D-2
Divine magnetism is the power of all powers. When our prayer bursts out of our heart and God gives up His vow of silence and speaks to us, then we have gained divine magnetism. Develop power to attract the highest thing–then we can easily attract all lesser things.
Inner Culture, July 1941
Keep in tune with the Divine Magnetic Power. Think of God so constantly that He will be with you wherever you go. Then all your good desires will materialize, even those formed in the distant past.
Inner Culture, July 1941
Right beneath the flesh is a tremendous current. I forgot it, but now, by the pickax of Self-Realization, I have dug that Life Force up again. I and my Father are One. I am not the flesh. I am a bundle of electricity behind this body.YOU ARE THE LIFE FORCE BENEATH THE FLESH
Praecepta 3, health-culture
Why disobey God’s little laws that govern the body beautiful and thus get into big trouble? You take your lunch, give your lips a hasty napkin rub, and rush out feeling that everything is all right. But what about your teeth — why deny them a cleansing shower bath after they have worked so hard for you? Diseased teeth produce many ills. Rinse your mouth out ten times with water after each meal if you have not toothbrush handy. That is what the Hindu pundits prescribe.
East-West, January-February, 1926
The mind, by constant worries, grows old quickly and makes the body look old and unhealthy. A smile, which cannot be extinguished by any financial, social, or physical trials, helps to keep the body looking young, with firm flesh, even if it becomes aged.
Praecepta Lessons Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture-Table of Vitamins-2
Prevention of waste in the body by right activity and by knowledge of conservation of physical energy and of supplying the body with an inexhaustible supply of Life Current by Yogoda practices. Charge the body cells with Life Energy by Yogoda methods. Prevent hardening of the arteries by proper exercise. Do not overeat. Many dig their graves with knife and fork. Few die of starvation; most die of greediness.
Scientific Healing Affirmations, 1924 Edition-To Prevent Physical Disease.
Food should not be eaten with the consciousness that it will produce physical health only, but rather that it will spiritualize the body.
Inner Culture, February 1940
We must develop physical magnetism in order to have a body that is strong and conscious of itself–not to the point of vanity, but a body that obeys our command. Recharging the body with energy develops great magnetism. Keep the body magnetized by right eating. Too much protein and starchy foods retain the poisons in the body. Eating freely of fruits and vegetables has a tendency to develop magnetism. Fruits have a great magnetic quality.
Inner Culture, July 1941
Every week fast one day on milk; inhale, exhale deeply; walk; sleep more; drink six glassfuls of water a day, be contented and happy; eat one lemon every day with breakfast; try to have an elimination after each meal; do not drink too much water, only 6 glassfuls a day; do not eat sugar or candies except unsulphured dates.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938)-Praeceptum #68
Be sure to eat more Nature-cooked raw vegetables, fruits, dates and nuts. Above all,eat rightly, think rightly, and meditate and live in Divine Joy, night and day.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938)-Praeceptum #68
The careful man, following health laws, suffers rarely compared with the careless man who does not discriminate about his diet. Eat less, eat finely ground nuts, raw vegetables, and lots of fruit; and exercise. Walk daily. Bathe your body in the bacteria-killing sunshine every day. Now that winter and its healthful outdoor sports are here, take time to go skating, skiing, and walking. Breathe the fresh, crisp, invigorating air of winter. By these means, methods of physical and mental healing will be unnecessary, for disease will be dispelled.
East-West, November-December, 1926
Business men and women would benefit their health very greatly by fasting or eating very little on Sundays and holidays. It is a dangerous habit to eat a full meal just because breakfast or dinner is served. Eat at regular times if you are hungry, but eliminate as many unwelcome meals as possible. Twenty-four hours’ fasting each week will give the digestive system a thorough rest, and you can start on your work with fresh vigor.
East-West, January-February, 1926
“Wouldst thou enjoy a long Life, a healthy Body, and a vigorous Mind, and be acquainted also with the wonderful works of God, labor in the first place to bring thy appetite to Reason.” – Benjamin Franklin.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938): Praeceptum #56
Not only are vitamins necessary to maintain health, but according to Dr. Sherman, Vitamin G (B2) helps to prolong the period of youth. Be sure you get a liberal amount of this vitamin if you wish to remain young and vigorous. However, it is well to remember that vitamins do not occur singly in nature and that a generous supply of all of them is necessary to preserve youth and vigorous health.
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture-Reference-Table of Vitamins-2
Since the expression of the soul is dependent upon the body, and the body is dependent upon food, it is desirable to know not only the physical but also the spiritual and psychical effects of food.
Inner Culture, February 1940
In order to keep the health and vitality of both the body and the mind up to par, it is necessary to have an adequate supply of all the vitamins and all the mineral salts, and these may be found in the proper selection of foods.
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture- General
If you would build a sound constitution, increase your immunity to disease, and augment your supply of energy; see that you have an abundant supply of vitamins in your daily diet.
Praecepta Lessons - Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture- Vitamin B-2
“We can Live without Poetry;
We can Live without Books
But Civilized Man
Cannot Live without Cooks.”
Praecepta Lessons-Volume 3-Super-Advanced Initiate Step-Health Culture-Food Preparation-1
The origin of almost all of the diseases which I have mentally healed through the power of God, I find in over-eating, improper eating, misuse of sex life, lack of exercise, and, above all, in bad environment.
East-West, November-December, 1926
When you are calm and concentrated, and your mind becomes a strong battery of energy, raise your hands and try to feel the vibrations of your distantly-situated loved one, or the vibrations of distant homes and cities. Remember, your hands lifted up in the air, and held poised in deep concentration, will act as antennas to receive the thoughts of others or to broadcast your thoughts to others. As sounds pass through ether, our thoughts pass through Cosmic Consciousness, which pervades all our Souls and all material substances.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938)-Praeceptum #56
Remember, ignorance is the mother of all physical, mental, and spiritual diseases. Abolish ignorance by contacting God and forthwith body, mind, and soul will be healed of all maladies.
Inner Culture, October 1940-Obtaining Divine Healing By Paramhansa Yogananda
It is the Life Energy that will cure, and that method which exerts the most power over the Life Energy is the superior method.
Scientific Healing Affirmations, 1924 Edition-Evaluation of the Science of Curative Methods