Recipes: May-June 1926 — Three Recipes
Three Recipes By Paramhansa Yogananda
East-West, May-June, 1926
Spiritual Recipe
l. Read the EAST-WEST well and try to practically follow the best in it, using your own judgment.
2. Lead a balanced life. Be neither too Oriental nor too Occidental. Let not calmness develop into laziness, nor let activity convert you into a business automaton. Be calmly active, actively calm.
3. Polish your feelings. Exercise them by practical sympathy, and say to yourself, “I can only be happy by making others so.”
4. Try to consciously contact God. Will to know Him, persevere in the effort to know Him, and be dissatisfied until you do know Him.
Intellectual Recipe
l. Read a few lines from Shakespeare every day.
2. Read the “Imitation of Christ,” by Thomas a Kempis.
3. Read “In Tune with the Infinite,” by Ralph Waldo Trine.
4. Read “The Man Nobody Knows,” by Bruce Barton. It is the best modern book on Jesus.
Health Recipe
Fast one day a week, or at least a half day. If you feel unable to do that, live for one day on nothing but orange juice. This plan will give needed rest to the body machine, which overworks incessantly through over-eating or wrong eating. Do not think that satisfied hunger means satisfied body needs. Learn the laws of rational, scientific diet, and live on simple and wholesome food.