Recipes: Jan-Feb 1926 — Value of Occasional Fasting
Recipes: Jan-Feb 1926 — Value of Occasional Fasting By Paramhansa Yogananda
East-West, January-February, 1926
The following is a delightful and very nutritious dish, containing the vital minerals in great abundance.
Chop two slices of fresh or canned pineapple, one handful seedless raisins, one carrot ground up in meat-chopper, one tablespoonful shelled pistachios nuts. Mix these together with four tablespoonfuls cream. Serve on lettuce with shredded lettuce on top.
Carrots ground up in meat-chopper, or chewed thoroughly, are an excellent food for teeth and bones. Nuts should always be chewed very thoroughly before swallowing.
Business men and women would benefit their health very greatly by fasting or eating very little on Sundays and holidays. It is a dangerous habit to eat a full meal just because breakfast or dinner is served. Eat at regular times if you are hungry, but eliminate as many unwelcome meals as possible.
Twenty-four hours’ fasting each week will give the digestive system a thorough rest, and you can start on your work with fresh vigor.
Why disobey God’s little laws that govern the body beautiful and thus get into big trouble?
What about your teeth
You take your lunch, give your lips a hasty napkin rub, and rush out feeling that everything is all right. But what about your teeth — why deny them a cleansing shower bath after they have worked so hard for you?
Diseased teeth produce many ills. Rinse your mouth out ten times with water after each meal if you have not toothbrush handy. That is what the Hindu pundits prescribe. — S.Y.