Milk Part 1 by Paramhansa Yogananda
Most modern authorities on nutrition consider milk one of the most important elements in the well balanced diet both for children and adults. There does not seem to be any satisfactory substitute for it.
Milk furnishes a “form of protein particularly adapted to conversion into body material” necessary both for growth of the young and for up-keep and vitality of adult tissues. The form of protein in milk is a very effective supplement to that of bread-stuffs and cereals because it is rich in the particular amino acids in which grains are lacking.
Milk is also very important in giving a well balanced mineral content to the diet, when the cows have the right food. Calcium is the mineral most often deficient in the ordinary diet and milk furnishes a high percentage of this element besides some potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, silicon, and chlorine.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938): Praeceptum #71
Milk Part 2
(Part II)
Milk is also a rich source of vitamins when the cows are exposed to sunshine and feed on green pasture. Good milk contains small amounts of all of the vitamins but is especially important for vitamins A and G.
Know the conditions of the dairy from which you buy your milk and, if possible for drinking purposes, use Grade A Certified raw milk. This is a little more expensive but safe because it is produced under careful government regulations and inspection. If you cannot use certified milk, then get pasteurized, and remember, that whatever the kind, milk must be kept thoroughly chilled on the ice at all times.
There seems to be a slight difference of opinion as to the exact amount of milk required in a balanced diet but it varies from one pint to one quart daily for each adult. All authorities agree on at least one quart of milk a day for children. This may be used as a beverage or in cooked dishes.
Praecepta Lessons, Volume 3 (1938): Praeceptum #72
Editor’s note: Vitamin G is B2.